
canonical ensemble中文什么意思

发音:   用"canonical ensemble"造句


  1. Thermodynamical fluctuation of number density of particles in grand canonical ensemble of perfect systems
  2. In this paper , canonical ensemble theory is applied to investigate the second virial coefficient of a classical mixed gas and the limitative expression of the second virial coefficient formula is discussed ; in the meantime , the application of the investigation conclusion is put out
  3. At a definite temperature a mesoscopic circuit isnt in a determinate quantum state instead of in the mixed state ( or statistical state ) . using the density matrix of the canonical ensemble , we have deduced the formulate of the quantum fluctuations of both charge and current in a non - dissipative mesoscopic coupled circuit . and the dependences of the quantum fluctuation of the circuit on its temperature have obtained
  4. ( 2 ) the gravitational toy model in canonical ensemble is also studied under the regime of generalized statistical mechanics . we find that a region of negative specific heat describing the character of gravity also exists in canonical ensemble , which is remarkably distinguished from the result of traditional statistical mechanics that the specific heat must be positive in that ensemble , implying that the gravitating system may also be described by canonical one
    ( 2 )在正则系综中,我们同样根据广义统计力学对引力toy模型进行了研究,发现也会出现类似于微正则系综中的负比热现象,这明显区别于传统的统计力学中比热必须非负的结论,从而得出在tsalllis统计下正则系综也可以描述引力系统的结论。


    The canonical ensemble in statistical mechanics is a statistical ensemble representing a probability distribution of microscopic states of the system. For a system taking only discrete values of energy, the probability distribution is characterized by the probability p_i of finding the system in a particular microscopic state i with energy level E_i, conditioned on the prior knowledge that the total energy of the system and reservoir combined remains constant.




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